The ABC of me

An award type of blog post today…

In August, Cha Β a talented artist from dontchawannadream kindly nominated this blog for the ABC awards (ABC = Awesome Blog Content). Β So, thank you Cha! I really appreciate it πŸ™‚

ABC Award :Β The rules for receiving the award are simple.

1) Thank and link back to who nominated you.

2) Say something about yourself with a word or a phrase beginning with each letter of the alphabet.

3) And of course nominate some other bloggers for the award!

The ABC award didn't come with an image so I thought I'd make one which can be shared by those who would like to accept the award.
The ABC award didn’t come with an image so I thought I’d make one which can be shared by those who would like to accept the award.

A = Anita
B = Books. Also Biology which used to be my favourite among the three science subjects in school.

C = Colin Farrell (teeheehee)

Colin Farrell David Shankbone 2010 NYC

D = DOGS! Dragons!

Meet Jack! The Jack Russel. My creativity is lacking when it comes to naming...He's great to have by my side when I'm feeling scared :D
Meet Jack! The Jack Russel. My creativity is lacking when it comes to naming…He’s great to have by my side when I’m feeling scared πŸ˜€
My Dragon! ;)
My Dragon! πŸ˜‰

E = Elegance. I’ve always loved simple yet elegant designs.

F = Fairy tales and Fantasy. Always been partial to movies and stories like those, not so much science fiction though.

G = Giraffes. Cute Giraffe pictures is what I mean.

Seriously…isn’t it the cutest?!

H = Hope. It’s a good thing, to carry hope within like an everlasting glow.

I = Ice cream. Vanilla if you please.

J = Joy. There’s something so completely exclusive with the word Joy. I would like to think that Joy and I are learning to become friends πŸ˜‰

K = Kindness. Sometimes it’s a fine line between being kind and being patronising. I feel…

L = Ladybirds. I am actually not afraid of them and think they are cute!

M = Mandarin Oranges. Yummy! Sweet and Succulent.

N = Nuns. I attended Β Franciscan Missionary schools. Sr. Enda was the awesome, beautiful, Irish singing nun who was the Headmistress of my secondary school and I will always remember what Sr. Jane the 4th form Catechism Β teacher told us about prayer and how to answer those who were curious about why we prayed to the Saints and Angels ; and the many statues in a Catholic church.

O = Opulence. I don’t feel comfortable in opulence. For some strange reason I feel that opulence is very different from elegance.

P = Pina colada. Both varieties too!

Q = Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. Yes, this is a very weird thing to list down. No, I am not a statistician. Yes, I did learn statistics. No, I have no idea why this came to mind BUT I will tell you that Statistics will always remain a mystery to me. It’s that one subject which made total sense when I read the theory of it. Two hour after I wouldn’t have a clue. That’s mystical my friend!

R = Rainbow! Rain!

English: Rainbows, over Malmesjaur in Moskosel...
English: Rainbows, over Malmesjaur in Moskosel, Lappland Sweden july 14 2009, 7:15 PM Svenska: RegnbΓ₯ger, sedd frΓ₯n Malmesjaurdammen i Moskosel, Lappland kl 19:15 14 juli 2009 Deutsch: Regenbogen, ΓΌber Malmesjaur in Moskosel, Lappland 14.Juli 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

S = Stephen King.

T = Toilets. I can’t understand why people don’t know how to leave a toilet clean after using it.

U = Unicorns! and Underwear – let me explain the second one. Underwear *have* to be comfortable and I don’t care if it’s referred to as “granny panties”. I don’t get the lacy ones or the fancy ones…well, not for daily, “normal” wear. Aren’t people afraid something might just crawl through the holes…or something?

Unicorn & me (2)
Unicorn & me (2) (Photo credit: Anley Piers)

V = Vampires. Vampires portrayed in movies are always so cool and have even cooler abilities. Underworld and Blade..those were awesome vampires!

Cover of "Underworld (Unrated) [Blu-ray]&...
Cover of Underworld (Unrated) [Blu-ray]
W = Wishes. If I were given three wishes I don’t really know what I would do with the other two. The first one I’d wish for Joy…for everyone.

X = X-ray. I remember the time I fracture my forearm. I didn’t even need an X-ray to tell me it was fracture…it sure looked like it was.

Y = Yawn. It’s always fun to yawn when among a small group of friends. It’s contagious.

Z =

Here’s wishing all of you a Zippty Do Dah Day!! πŸ˜€


Now, for the nominations. Instead of nominating blog sites I thought of sharing with you some awesome blog posts that I’ve come across. There have been many, many posts so this is just a sample of some of them. I hope you take the time to check them out!

Consciousness Shifts by Sue Dreamwalker

Cold Calls by Tom

Calendars and Collisions by litebeing – Her posts reminds me that magic truly is in ourselves. The way we look at things, perceiving them…that’s where the magic lies.

What was IN that Salad by Diane Henders – She’s too funny.

I AM a Violinist …and the Symphony Orchestra too by Barbara

My LordΒ by Mohamed

The QuestionΒ by TreyzGuy

On HappinessΒ by Rara

Whisper of WordsΒ a poetic duet by Sage and Susan

Making of the ShrewΒ (this is a series of posts. So if you enjoyed the first part, just keep clicking the next post) by Andra Watkins



Please click the badges on the right to visit other NaBloPoMo-ers πŸ™‚

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

43 thoughts on “The ABC of me”

    1. Ok, I want to do it now:
      …damn already stumped at A…
      Mmmm – I just like to say that
      Not nautical though I wish I was
      Omnipresent – sometimes as a narrator in my writing
      Peaceful – unless I’m Pissed off
      Quiet – sometimes
      Rowdy – if I’ve had too much whiskey
      Underwear – I like it too
      Vegetarian – going vegan again
      Wrangler of monkeys
      Xavier is not my real name


      1. Loved your list too!!
        I like saying Hmmm..hehehe.
        Wohoo for lovers of underwear .. πŸ˜›
        Oo..going completely vegan? That’s awesome! I love my chicken.. not as much as before…which is a vast improvement for me.
        And yay!!!!! to Librans..we are so awesome! Aren’t’ we? lol

        Thanks so much for participating πŸ™‚


    1. Thank you Julianne. Sunshine is good too! I wasn’t feeling too good last week and was in my room the whole day for a few days. When I went out into the sun …to go to the clinic…wow..the feeling of the sun was SO refreshingly wonderful πŸ™‚


  1. Congratulations on your award! There is a badge for it, but honestly your version rocks!
    Thank you so much for including one of my posts ( my second post and still one of my own favorites πŸ™‚ )
    I will go and read your recommendations, I bet they rock!
    Namaste even if you prefer vanilla ice cream!


      1. I accept your nomination and will put together an awards post TBD. funny I had not received any in months and then very recently a few have come around. Perhaps it is a new awards season! This will be fun as I have not done the entire alphabet before πŸ™‚


      1. That’s too bad about Toto. Is Jack old? He looks pretty young, but it’s pretty hard to tell with dogs. Well, they do go a little grey around the muzzle sometimes.


        1. Yea..Toto was probably the runt of the litter. My sis and I were at the pet shop to buy a dog as our last one had passed on due to lymphoma and my parents were quite lost without a dog at home. Both Jack and Toto were in a cage together playing and we actually chose Jack first. When the owner took Jack out of the cage, we saw Toto sort of look around in bewilderment and then sit down looking terribly confused and…lost. We just could not leave him there without his brother. It would have been so wrong! So that’s how Jack and Toto came home with us πŸ™‚
          He passed on because of leptospirosis. Poor little baby 😦 Jack survived it though…one thing about Jack Russell dogs…the two we got..they’d eat ANYTHING on the ground…not good thing when we do let them out in our compound.
          Toto is around though..his energies…that’s for sure πŸ™‚
          Jack is about 4 now. So, not that old at all πŸ˜€


          1. That’s sad about Toto. It sounds as if Toto and Jack were quite a pair together, and it was very nice of you two to buy those two and keep them together. It’s really unfortunate he later got sick.

            Four years is still pretty young and energetic. And Jack Russells are supposed to be very spirited.


            1. Yea…we miss Toto! And yup Jack Russells are very active BUT my dad has trained him to be a lazy bum! Both of them sleep the whole day πŸ˜› But of course he does go a little crazy running around the house too..hehehe.


  2. Congratulations on your nomination, and thanks for the mention! I love the new badge you made – I’ll do an ABC post of my own just to get the badge. πŸ™‚ And thanks for pointing out some great bloggers, too. Now I have even more reading to do…


    1. Thank you Diane, and you’re welcome! πŸ™‚ Your stories make me at the very least grin really

      And yay! I’m glad you’re going to share the ABC’s of you and thank you for liking the badge!!

      Haha..hope you enjoy the new bloggers!! πŸ˜€


  3. Still chuckling at the Unicorns and Underwear! πŸ˜‰ Brilliant ABC, and congratulations Shree on this awesome award… And thank YOU most kindly for the link to my post Consciousness Shifts…
    And a Zippty Do Dah Day too….. Love that Song and Film… πŸ™‚


    1. Hey Sue! Hehe…thank you, thank you πŸ™‚
      I’m glad the Unicorns and Underwear gave you a chuckle..that’s always good πŸ™‚

      And you’re welcome…that poem is still sitting on my browser toolbar waiting to be recorded..hehe.

      You know..I don’t think I’ve ever watched the film but I have heard the song when I was a kid..hmm..

      Thanks for dropping by Sue! Loved seeing my email filled with your name on it..:)


Awesomeness is in the sharing of thoughts :)