
Illustration Friday’s theme for the week of 1st February is “Wheel”.

This is my interpretation of it:

Original art: Wheel
After some editing with the very sad “new and improved” Photobucket photo editor

17 thoughts on “Wheel”

  1. I like this Shree… it has a Mandala Chakra feel to it! I must say that I think I prefer your original version this week… although I can’t really see that much difference with your edited version, the original has more colour!


    1. Thanks Tom! And yes it actually is a Mandala! I was wondering what type of wheel I could do…and a mandala came to mind!! 😀 Also been watching some wonderful Youtube videos on how to colour using coloured pencils…so gave it a try 🙂


        1. Hey Sage! I just found out about Tibetan Sand Art….well not much, but learned that they take weeks at times, to do these beautiful art from coloured sand..and once it’s done….they “destroy” it and start all over! It is to remind them of the impermanence of situations and things in our life, AND that it is not the end result but the process of doing it that truly matters!


    1. Thanks so much Anyes! 🙂
      I’m not too sure…I think it was a couple of hours…I want to say about 2 + hours?

      I was talking to a friend that also draws and colours, and she asked me how long it takes me to do my pieces. I told her….a few hours, with the drawing maybe a maximum of about 3 and a half hours. Not like a real artist who takes a couple of days and sometimes weeks to complete a picture!! She laughed and said..”Me too!!”.

      It could be because my pieces are all done on A4 sized paper..it’s small and not a canvas..? hehe


Awesomeness is in the sharing of thoughts :)